  • Institution Mission Vision

Mission, Vision, Principles and Core Values

The mission, vision, principles and core values of the institution are defined as follows in the Strategic Plan covering the years 2020 - 2024 adopted by the Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality Assembly in line with the decision dated 24.10.2019 and numbered 926.

Our Mission;

To work relentlessly within the framework of the duties and authorities given by the laws, with the determination to bring the whole city together with the Metropolitan facilities and to develop the traditional values of Balıkesir with modern services, with the participation of our fellow citizens and all stakeholders, in order for the people of Balıkesir to lead a clean, peaceful and safe life, specific to the needs of each district.

Our Vision;

A city that can transform the strength of its geography, agricultural production diversity and historical accumulations into world brand food products, clean energy, qualified health and tourism services with clean industry and high technology, where each district is accepted by the world with its unique brand elements, where the city comes to life with the colours of culture, art and sports in all its neighbourhoods and streets,

With its national values nurtured by the consciousness of Kuva-yı Milliye, the World City Balıkesir...

Our Principles and Core Values;

  • Reliability and Respectability
  • Justice and Equality
  • Innovative Approach
  • Productivity and Efficiency
  • Transparency and Accountability
  • Participation and Effective Cooperation
  • Holistic Solution Approach to Problems
  • Human-Centered Service Approach
  • Competence and Merit Based Approach
  • Environment-Centered, Sustainable Development