We Healed Hundreds of Street Animals in Bandırma

The Stray Animal Treatment Centre opened by Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality in Bandırma has rehabilitated hundreds of animals.

Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality Department of Environmental Protection and Control realises projects for stray animals one by one. After Edremit and Bandirma, the teams working to bring a Stray Animal Treatment Centre to Altıeylül District are considering every detail in the established centres. Volkan Karateke, Head of Environmental Protection and Control Department, who made inspections at Bandırma Stray Animal Treatment Centre, said: "We have put our Bandırma Stray Animal Treatment Centre, which we have completed the process with the equipment that can operate for all of our South Marmara Region, into service with our team. We aim to improve the quality of these works on behalf of their health and welfare. We aim to carry our love for stray animals. I wish it to be beneficial to both our region, our district and our city."


In the Centre, which has all the necessary equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of stray animals, from the operating theatre to intensive care cabins, from ultrasound and X-ray devices to haemogram device, disease treatments, vaccination studies, parasite applications, sterilisation and other surgical operations necessary for the health of our dear friends will be performed under more modern conditions.